Vitamin C Side Effects


Vitamin C, CAS number 50-81-7, E number E300, used as food antioxidants, accepted as safe food antioxidant in many food products. Vitamin C is a a family of vitamin including ascorbic acid and its salts manufactured through two-step fermentation process, available as White or almost white crystal or crystalline powder.

General Side Effects

No significant side effects reported for this food antioxidant.

Suggested Dosage

As Vitamin C is widely known as safe, there is no limit on dosage of intake. However, we still recommend consumers to consult professionals before using large quantity of Vitamin C for long period.
* ADI: Acceptable Daily Intake
* MTDI: maximum tolerable daily intake
* Data source: JECFA Database of WHO

Special Groups Precaution

Special groups refer to newborns, children, pregnant and any other applicable vulnerable groups.
There is no evidence that Vitamin C could have any negative effects on these vulnerable groups. It should be safe to use Vitamin C in food for newborns and pregnant. However, we still recommend consumers to consult professionals before using large quantity of Vitamin C for long period in food for newborns or pregnant.

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